Spring into Your Best Health
Apr 07, 2022Spring has finally sprung!
I don’t know about you, but growing up in the Pacific Northwest, the winter can feel just a little too grey and long, and there is nothing like the start of Spring to renew your spirit.
As the weather warms and there are more blue-sky days, the signs of new life and renewal are everywhere. The birds are singing as I wake up in the morning. The trees are beginning to blossom into hues of white or pink, and the forsythia bushes that frequent my walking path are turning an abundant yellow. The lilac trees in my yard are showing signs of life and will be blooming soon – can’t you smell their sweet fragrance just thinking about it?
Spring is a wonderful time to think about starting fresh ourselves. So let me ask you a question:
Is there an area of your life right now where you could use some renewal?
Recently I asked you, my inspiring Success community, what is the biggest challenge you are facing? Your top response to the survey was:
Staying healthy and fit is my biggest challenge.
I get it, and have been there - struggling with staying healthy and fit. For many years while running a business as a single Mom, I was so busy taking care of everything and everyone that I rarely paid attention to my own needs.
Do you know I actually had days where I forgot to eat - until I was faint or foggy and wondered why? Or on a dash out the door I quickly grabbed unhealthy food choices as it was the easiest and fastest. Exercise was always on the schedule, however it seemed that by the time I got done with work it was time to cart the kids around. There was never enough time. Though I cared about staying fit, it was hard to stay consistent.
Maybe, this is where you are too.
If staying healthy and fit is a challenge for you right now, stay tuned to this next blog series – Health Reset, where I will address the areas where you (like me) probably find yourself getting stuck.
Here are the topics we are going to cover in the coming weeks:
- Nutrition Reset. You will learn healthy food habits and 7 simple techniques to give yourself a fresh start in this critical area.
- Fitness Reset. You will learn 5 easy strategies to get yourself in a consistent workout routine that fits in your busy schedule.
- Sleep Reset. You will learn just how foundational a good night’s sleep is to the rest of your health and how to incorporate a simple evening success ritual for better sleep.
So - let’s get started with just one piece of homework this week:
What health goal (and I know you set some at the beginning of this year) do you need to get back on track, and what is one thing you can do this next week to move it in the right direction?
Fill in the blank.
This week I will ____________________.
Whether you feel your health and fitness is an area where you need a tune up or a complete overhaul, get ready to take charge and create some new health habits to increase your energy, improve your focus, and feel like a new you!