Fitness Reboot for Entrepreneurs: Balancing Health and Business

Dec 07, 2023

Waking up to the cold embrace of a typical winter morning in the Pacific Northwest, I could hear the wind howling outside, accompanied by the sounds of the patter of rain on the roof. These short, dark days, when the world seems to be wrapped in a perpetual dusk, make it all too easy to stay cocooned in the warmth of my bed.

Though I usually love to get outside any chance I get, I wasn’t feeling it today. Even as the day went on and it came time for my afternoon exercise, the thought of venturing out into the biting cold felt more daunting than invigorating.

When I took time to think about what was going on for me, this wasn't just about the weather.

As an entrepreneur, the winter months often mirror the challenges of our professional lives - short, dark days that can sometimes dampen our spirits and energy levels. The continuous juggling act of business responsibilities and personal life had subtly nudged my fitness regimen to the sidelines.

The Entrepreneurial Dilemma

It's a familiar story for many in the business world. You may find yourself relating to these sentiments:

  • "My business demands are just too overwhelming right now."
  • "I'm constantly juggling work and family responsibilities."
  • "I'm always in survival mode, with no time for myself."
  • "I'm starting to doubt my ability to maintain a healthy lifestyle."
  • "I keep telling myself I'll focus on fitness when things calm down."

This is the entrepreneurial dilemma: How do you balance the demands of your business with the need for personal well-being?

Understanding the Importance of Fitness

Before delving into the strategies, it's crucial to understand why fitness is so important, especially for entrepreneurs. You probably already know that regular physical activity is not just about staying in shape.

It's about maintaining the energy levels you need to run a business, enhancing mental clarity for making sound decisions, and managing stress effectively. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters, helping you tackle business challenges with a positive mindset.

Five Strategies to Reset Your Fitness Goals

Here are five practical strategies to help you incorporate consistent fitness into your busy schedule:

1. Intentional Scheduling

For entrepreneurs, every minute counts. Just as you meticulously schedule your business meetings, applying the same level of intentionality to your workout routine is essential. The key lies in finding a slot in your day where exercise can become a non-negotiable activity, just like an important client meeting.

Start by examining your daily routine. Are you an early riser, fueled by the quiet of the morning, or do you find your energy peaks in the afternoon? Some find that starting the day with exercise sets a positive tone, while others prefer unwinding with a workout after a day's work. Experiment with different times to see what naturally fits into your schedule without causing additional stress.

Utilizing digital tools can also play a pivotal role. Calendar apps aren't just for business appointments. Block out time for your workouts and set reminders. Treat these time blocks with the same respect you would a meeting with your most important client.

Remember, this isn't about squeezing in fitness wherever it fits; it's about making a conscious decision to prioritize your health.

Above all, be realistic. If committing to an hour every day feels overwhelming, start with shorter sessions. Consistency is more important than duration. Over time, as exercise becomes a habitual part of your routine, you can gradually increase the duration and intensity.

2. Finding Joy in Exercise

The secret to a sustainable fitness routine is finding joy in the activity. Exercise shouldn't feel like a chore; it should be something you look forward to. This might mean stepping out of your comfort zone and trying activities beyond the traditional gym workout.

Consider what makes you happy. Do you enjoy nature? Try hiking or outdoor cycling. Love music? Dance classes or Zumba might be your calling. If competitive sports excite you, joining a local sports league can be both socially and physically rewarding. The possibilities are endless—from yoga and Pilates for those who prefer a more meditative approach, to martial arts for an energizing challenge.

Remember, variety is key. Mixing up your workout routine not only keeps things interesting but also challenges different muscle groups and reduces the risk of injury. This approach keeps your fitness journey fresh.

3. The Role of a Fitness Coach

A fitness coach or personal trainer can be a game-changer, especially for entrepreneurs who are short on time and need efficient, effective workouts.

I found this approach incredibly helpful for me when I found myself in an exercise slump. A coach offers more than just exercise routines; they provide motivation, accountability, and expertise tailored to your specific fitness goals and physical needs.

When selecting a coach, it’s crucial to find someone who aligns with your objectives. Are you looking to build strength, improve flexibility, or train for a specific event? Different coaches specialize in different areas, so choose one who matches your goals. Additionally, a good coach will consider any pre-existing injuries or health concerns, ensuring your workout plan is safe and suitable.

Having a coach also means having someone to hold you accountable. They can track your progress, adjust your workout plan as needed, and push you to achieve your best. This support can be particularly beneficial on days when motivation is low.

My coach Kylie pushes me outside my comfort zone – she has me doing exercises I definitely wouldn’t have done on my own (frog jumps and farmer carries!) and I am seeing positive and faster results.

4. Integrating Movement into Daily Life

Incorporating movement into your day-to-day life is a subtle yet effective way to enhance your fitness. It's about making conscious choices to be more active, even during your busiest days.

Simple changes can make a significant difference. For example, if you spend a lot of time at a desk, consider a standing desk or take short breaks every hour to stretch or walk. Instead of sitting through phone calls, make them walking meetings. Graham and I schedule walking meetings every chance we get. This not only adds steps to your day but also boosts creativity and focus.

Family activities can also be a great way to incorporate movement. Evening walks or weekend bike rides not only improve physical health but also strengthen family bonds. If you have young children, playing active games with them is both fun and a great workout.

Additionally, think about how you can make everyday tasks more active. Choose stairs over elevators, park further away from store entrances, or do light stretching while watching TV. These small changes accumulate, leading to significant health benefits over time.

5. Prioritizing Health as an Entrepreneur

As an entrepreneur, your health is integral to your business's success. Often, entrepreneurs fall into the trap of prioritizing their business over their health, leading to long-term negative consequences. Prioritizing health is not just about avoiding illness; it's about cultivating a lifestyle that enhances your capacity to lead and innovate.

First, understand that your physical well-being directly impacts your mental and emotional state. Regular exercise and a healthy diet enhance cognitive functions, including memory, attention, and problem-solving skills, which are crucial in the fast-paced entrepreneurial world.

Second, prioritize sleep. Entrepreneurs often sacrifice sleep for work, but this can be counterproductive. Quality sleep is essential for mental clarity, emotional resilience, and overall health. Develop a regular sleep schedule and create a conducive sleep environment. I will be digging deeper into this subject in another blog in this Winter Health Reset series.

Embrace a holistic approach to health. This means looking beyond physical fitness to include mental and emotional wellness. Practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and stress management techniques should be integral parts of your health strategy.

Finally, lead by example. As the leader you set the tone for your organization’s culture. By prioritizing your health, you inspire your team to do the same, creating a healthier, more productive work environment.

Remember that fitness is not just a personal goal; it's a crucial aspect of your entrepreneurial journey. By prioritizing your health, you're not only investing in your well-being but also setting yourself up for sustained success in business.

So, as you plan your business strategies, include a health strategy too. Whether it’s scheduling regular workouts, trying new sports, or simply ensuring you have time for physical rejuvenation, these practices will not only enhance your personal well-being but also set a foundation for sustained business success.

It’s time to take the first step towards your fitness reset. Ask yourself: What action will I take to prioritize my health this week?