Fitness: Reset and Start Exercising, Again

Dec 22, 2022

Are you feeling motivated to get in shape and feel your best?

Motivation is a great way to get started - but you need more to keep it going.

You may have set specific health and fitness goals at the beginning of the year but now find yourself slipping in some areas.

This is what I am hearing from you:

  • Work is overwhelming right now
  • I am stretched way too thin
  • I am in survival mode
  • I never have time for myself anymore
  • I doubt myself and a lot of things in my life

My friends – believe me, I understand. You have tremendous responsibilities on your shoulders. Sometimes the mantel you wear as an entrepreneur and Mom (or Dad) just feels too heavy. Your priorities of caring for your family, for your team, and for your business take everything and it feels like there is just not enough time in the day.

You Deserve a Reset

You may be telling yourself, “This is just a season of my life. Once I get through _________, then I will have more time to focus on me and my personal goals.”

But the thing is, it does not work that way…where suddenly you are ‘freed up.’ I can speak from experience of having learned this the hard way - the time does not just magically appear. In fact, if you are like me, you will keep taking on more and more until you find yourself at the edge of burnout.

If this resonates with you – know you are not alone.

Life gets in the way of even the best intentions. Do not beat yourself up my friend - you can get back on track. You deserve a reset.

This is the third blog in the series Health Reset in response to one of the top challenges you are facing – staying healthy and fit. Today the focus is on fitness with five simple strategies to help you keep a consistent workout routine even in your busy schedule.

This is Critical to Your Success.

Reset that fitness goal and then do something that is really important to your success – critical actually:

Make yourself a priority.

Remember, you cannot sustain your best performance if you are running on empty. Spring is a time of renewal and is the perfect time for a fresh start for you too. Commit to:

  • Make time for YOU
  • Take care of YOU
  • Love YOU
  • Be kind to YOU
  • Affirm YOU

When you realize how important YOU are to everything you are doing, and everything you want to accomplish, it will be easier to make and keep yourself as a priority.

This means life in balance – a solid fitness routine along with good nutrition and ample time for rest and rejuvenation. Research shows the endorphins released during exercise make you happier, have more energy, and help you to be sharper mentally. Who doesn’t want that?

To help you reset your fitness, here are five simple strategies to get yourself in a consistent workout routine that fits into your busy schedule.

1. Decide when you are going to work out. This is an important one. What time of day do you like to work out? Many of the entrepreneurs I coach love their Peloton and get on it first thing in the morning (disclaimer – the only thing I want then is my cup of coffee 😊). Later afternoon is a favorite time for me.

When does exercise fit best into your day? Where does it make the most sense with your work and family schedule? Decide what works for YOU and make the decision to stick with it.

2. Put your workouts in your calendar. That’s right, schedule it. In my world, and likely in yours, what gets scheduled gets done.

How do you keep track of your other appointments? You have a way that works to ensure you do not miss your client meeting, your kid’s pick up, or your doctor’s appointment.

Make your fitness routine just as important. Put it right in your calendar as a meeting block and do not let anything else replace it.

3. Make your workouts fun. Do activities that are fun for you, that you enjoy. If you hate running – do not decide this is what you are going to do for your regular cardio workout.

There is nothing like adding something new to get you inspired about your workout routine again. Go shopping and get some new workout clothes. Sign up for a class you have never done before – I just did a jazz class last month that was a blast.

4. Hire a fitness coach. If you want to level up your fitness game, consider hiring a fitness coach. If you are doing your own workout routine day after day, or bouncing between different you tube videos, an experienced personal trainer can help get you into the right routine.

Select the type of coach that specializes in your fitness goals. Places like Planet Fitness have coaches to hold you accountable. They can help you come up with the right workouts and a specific training schedule that allows your body to get the most out of your workout while also giving enough recovery time.

5. Make movement a top priority. In today’s world it is easy to avoid movement. You sit in a car on the way to work or to pick up the kids; and you likely sit in front of your computer most of the workday.

Choose to incorporate movement into your day. Last week, I spent an hour zoom meeting with my team from my treadmill. If you get a phone call, stand up from your desk - walk and talk. Take an evening stroll with your kids to hear about their day.

I hope these strategies have sparked some fresh ideas to help you incorporate fitness into your regular routine.

It is time to make yourself a priority.

What will you do this week to reset your fitness?